
Programming Paradigms

Flow based Programming

Book cover for Flow based Programming

This explains the theoretical underpinnings and application of flow based Programming method in practical terms. Readers are shown how to apply this programming in a number of areas and how to avoid common pitfalls.

Author : J. Paul Rodker Morrison

Introduction to Functional Programming

Book cover for Introduction to Functional Programming

This book serves as the lecture notes for the Introduction to Functional Programming course, at Cambridge University.

Author : J. Harrison

Making Sense of Stream Processing

Book cover for Making Sense of Stream Processing

This book shows you how stream processing can make your data storage and processing systems more flexible and less complex. Structuring data as a stream of events isn't new, but with the advent of open source projects such as Apache Kafka and Apache Samza, stream processing is finally coming of age.

Author : Martin Kleppmann

Parallel Programming

Programming on Parallel Machines; GPU, Multicore, Clusters and More

Book cover for Programming on Parallel Machines; GPU, Multicore, Clusters and More

The main goal of this book is to present parallel programming techniques that can be used in many situations for many application areas and which enable the reader to develop correct and efficient parallel programs. Many examples and exercises are provided to show how to apply the techniques

Author : Norm Matloff Kerridge

Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It?

 Book cover for Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It?

This book examines what makes parallel programming hard, and describes design techniques that can help you avoid many parallel-programming pitfalls. It is primarily intended for low-level C/C++ code, but offers valuable lessons for other environments as well.

Author : Paul E. McKenney

High Performance Computing

Book cover for High Performance Computing

This book discusses how modern workstations get their performance and how you can write code that makes optimal use of your hardware. You'll learn what the newest buzzwords really mean, how caching and other memory design features affect the way your software behaves, and where the newest "post-RISC" architectures are headed.

Authors : Charles Severance & Kevin Dowd

Competitive Programming

Competitive Programmer's Handbook

Book cover for Competitive Programmer's Handbook

This book is a modern introduction to competitive programming and discusses programming tricks and algorithm design techniques relevant in competitive programming.

Author : Antti Laaksonen - GitHub

Principles of Algorithmic Problem Solving

Book cover for Principles of Algorithmic Problem Solving

This book is oriented towards preparing for competitive programming competitions. It covers many fundamental algorithm types and commonly studied algorithms. The exercises are links to Kattis free online judging system. The book has examples in C++ as well as a short introduction

Author : Johan Sannemo - GitHub

Graphics Programming

3D Game Shaders For Beginners

Book cover for 3D Game Shaders For Beginners

A step-by-step guide to implementing SSAO, depth of field, lighting, normal mapping, and more for your 3D game.

Author : David Lettier - GitHub

Blender 3D: Noob to Pro

Book cover for Blender 3D: Noob to Pro

This guide is a product of shared effort by numerous team members and anonymous editors. Its purpose is to teach people how to create three-dimensional computer graphics using Blender, a free software application.

Source :

Notes for a Computer Graphics Programming Course

Book cover for Notes for a Computer Graphics Programming Course

These notes cover topics in an introductory computer graphics course that emphasizes graphics programming.

Its goal is to introduce fundamental concepts and processes for computer graphics, as well as giving students experience in computer graphics programming using the OpenGL application programming interface (API).

Author : Dr. Steve Cunningham

Regular Expressions

JavaScript RegExp

Book cover for JavaScript RegExp

This book will help you learn Regular Expressions as implemented in JavaScript. Regular expressions can be considered as a mini-programming language in itself and is well suited for a variety of text processing needs.

Author : Sundeep Agarwal - GitHub

Python re(gex)?

Book cover for Python re(gex)?

This book will help you learn Regular Expressions, a mini-programming language for all sorts of text processing needs.

Author : Sundeep Agarwal - GitHub

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